Small dishes – Perfect for sharing

  • Østers 12,14
    (1 stk) 65 (6 stk) 355
    Servert med husets vinaigrette “Rasurado” og Vestland Chili Hot sauce
    Oysters – Served with our house Vinaigrette “Rasurado” and locally made “Steezys” Hot Sauce
  • Ostras Sjømattallerken 2,3,4,10,12,14
    Østers – Taskekrabbe – Teppeskjell – Ørret ´ceviche`- Rasurado Vinaigrette – «Steezys» Hot Sauce
    Oysters of the day – Stone Crab Claw – Clams – Trout Aguachile – Rasurado Vinaigrette – «Steezys» Hot Sauce
  • Gambon 2,3
    (1 stk) 135 / (3 stk) 390
    Grillet Kongereke med Guajillochili Adobosaus – Aioli
    Grilled King Prawns with Chile Guajillo Adobo – Aioli
  • Torsk Frito 3,4,10,12
    (200g) 275
    Fritert Torsk – Aioli – Puja Chile Sauce
    Fried Cod – Aioli – Puja Chile Sauce
  • Shrimp Tostada 2,3,5,9,11,12
    Argentinsk Reke – Jalapeño Majo – Pico de Gaillo – Macha olje – Grønn Habanero Hot Sauce
    Argentinian Shrimp – Jalapeño Mayo – Pico de Gaillo – Macha Oil _ Green habanero Hot Sauce
  • Grønn Hagesalat 5,8,12
    Stekte nypoteter – Grillet Asparges – Erter – Pistasj – Jalapeno Yoghurt Dressing
    Roasted New Potatoes – Grilled Asparagus – Petit Pois – Pistachio Crumbs – Yogurt Jalapeño dressing
  • Fritert Quesadilla 7,12
    (1stk) 135
    Hjemmelaget Maiztortilla – Fanaost – Grønn salsa – Rømme
    Fried Quesadilla – homemade Heirloom Blue Corn Dough – Cheese – Salsa Verde – Sour cream
  • Rustikk Guacamole 5,11
    Avocado – Lime Olje – Salsa Macha – Reddik – Sprøstekt Mais Tostadas
    Avocado – Lime Oil – Salsa Macha – Radish – Corn Tostadas
  • Østerssopp Taco 5,11
    (2stk) 185
    Maiztortilla – Guajillo Chiles – Løk – Salsa Macha

    Maiz Tortilla – Guajillo Chiles – Onion – Salsa Macha

  • Gaonera Taco 12
    (2stk) 285
    Grillet Entrecôte – Maiztortilla – Grønn salsa – Koriander – Løk
    Grilled Entrecôte – Heirloom Corn Tortilla – Salsa Verde – Onion

Main courses

  • Dorada 3,4,5,11,12
    Helgrillet fisk – Lime Olje – Salsa Macha – Rissole Potet – Jalapeño Majo
    Grilled Whole Seabream – Lime Oil – Risoless Potatoes – Jalapeño Mayo
  • Blåskjell & Chorizo7,12,14
    Blåskjell – Kremet saus med Chorizo – Hvitløksolje – Pommes Frites
    Mussels – Creamy sauce with Chorizo – Garlic oil – French Fries


  • Flan av Mascarpone 3,7,8
    Macarpone – Vanilje – Dulce de Leche laget med Cognac
    Mascarpone Cheese – Vanilla – Condensed Milk – Dulce de leche with a touch of cognac
  • Iskrem fra Hallaisen7
    3 kuler med valg av

    Sjokolade – Tiramisu – Kokosnøtt

    Chocolate – Tiramisu – Coconut


1. Gluten
2. Shellfish
3. Eggs
4. Fish
5. Peanuts
6. Soybeans
7. Milk
8. Nuts
9. Celery
10. Mustard
11. Sesame
12. Sulfur dioxide
13. Lupine
14. Molluscs